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选修6《Reading and vocabulary》公开课教案优质课下载

4. Teaching Objectives:

1) Knowledge aims: to master some useful words and expressions through the text.

2)Ability aims:

to enhance the reading skills such as skimming, finding the details and summarizing;

to cultivate students’ group work ability;

to cultivate student’s expression ablility.

3)Emotion aims: to cultivate the proper attitude to the friendship and solve problems in their own life.

5. Teaching Method: Communicative Approach; Cooperative Leaning Approach.

Teaching aids: blackboard, multimedia, tablet computer etc.

Lesson Type: Reading

New Words and Phrases:

(financial, raise, swing, burst into laughing, get to know, knock over, lose all interest in, from time to time, go thorough, fall open, amount of etc. )

6. Procedures:

Step 1. Warm-up (2')

1. Lead-in

Show some pictures about friendship.

Picture 1: it is a picture about Lianpo and Lin Xiangru. This story tells us that Lianpo asks for forgiveness with sticks on his back. And finally Lin Xiangru forgives him.

Picture 2: this picture shows the friendship between different animals.

Purposes:通过廉颇蔺相如的故事,引入本节课话题—友谊; 激发学生学习兴趣;

Step 2. Group work(8')

Before the students read the whole passage, the teacher has already divided the passage into four parts. Every student in each group will read one part of this passage. And then there are some questions about this passage. They must answer these questions through group work. Only if they cooperate with each other can they finish the task.

Purpose: 教师提前将课文分为了四个部分,每个组的同学只读课文的某一部分,然后通过小组合作的方式完成教师指定的问题。此环节通过拼图阅读的方法,培养学生小组合作的能力,和在阅读中细节定位的能力。

Step 3. Presentation and comment(3')

After each group hands in their answers to the teacher, the teacher shows their answers on the screen through her own tablet, meanwhile, she invites some volunteers to make a comment on their answers or let them to correct them. Every volunteer will gain an extra score to his/ her group.

Purpose: 展示和点评环节,让学生积极主动回答问题并对其它组答案进行简要点评或者补充,此环节不仅可以锻炼学生思维能力,也正体现了英语教学中以学生为主体的理念。