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北师大2003课标版《Lesson 4 What’s in the Papers?》新课标教案优质课下载

2. improve students’ skimming skill and skill of finding out particular information

Teaching Difficulties

How to link different teaching parts in a coherent way and how to get the students fully concentrated on the reading tasks

Teaching Methods

Task-based teaching method, communicative method

Teaching Aids

PPT, blackboard, textbook, chalk

Teaching Procedures

Lead-in (5~6minutes)

T shows PPT and asks Ss three questions to lead in today’s lesson (1. Have you ever read newspapers? If so, what types of newspaper do you read? 2. What’s the difference between TV news and newspaper news? 3. What is often reported in the newspapers?)

Step 1

T asks the Ss to listen to the newspaper articles and match them with the headlines and then with the key words listed out on the PPT

Step 2

T analyses the factors included in the news article and asks Ss to pick out information related to these factors in the three texts, when showing the answers, T asks Ss to read it out

Step 3

Podt-reading: T asks Ss to read the articles again and finish exercises 4,5and6 on page 29, then check out the answers

Step 4

T analyses the language points of this lesson

Step 5

Homework: exercise on page 90