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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级上册Section C下载详情
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3、Students are able to describe one’s wear.

Emotional aims:

1、 Students can get happy by helping others.

2、Students’ ability to appreciate beauty can be advanced.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

1、Key points:words about clothes, the sentence patterns of asking color.

2、Difficult point:can describe one’s appearance and wear in English.

Teaching method:

Teacher creates a situation and lets students to finish two tasks. Students will gain a feeling of pride after finishing the two tasks. Moreover, in this class the teacher uses groups match to advance students’ study enthusiasm.

Teaching aids:power point、tape recorder、pictures、vocabulary cards

Teaching procedure:

一、Greeting and warming-up


2、Warming-up:sing an English song” who is wearing … today”

(1)Students sing with the recorder.

(2)Students should stand up if they hear the color they wear.

二、 “happy” →”help” →”task”

1、Task 1: Gifts for Mary.

(1)Check students’ preview .Teacher asks eight students to match the pictures and the words on the blackboard.

(2) Read the words.

2、Listening practice:

(1)Listen,then ask one student to answer the question: “What does Mary want to buy?”

(2) Check the listening result.

(3) Students read this conversation.

(4) Choose two students to act this conversation.

3、Point out the key points:

(1) -What color is +单数名词?

- It’s +颜色.

a、Look at the pictures and complete the conversations .

b、Teacher points at the pictures and students rush to answer.