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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级上册Section C下载详情
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Make students to use and understand the general question

⒊ Emotional aims

Learn about the cooperation and arouse the interest of English.

Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

1. Key points

Use the adjectives to describe one’s appearance correctly.

Use “do/does” correctly

2. Difficult points

Make the general questions with have /has correctly

Write a passage about describing appearances.

Ⅳ. Teaching aids

Blackboard, PPT

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

StepInteraction patternsStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction

(5minutes)1.The whole class work.

2.Individual work.

3.Individual work.

4.Individual work.

5.Individual work.1.Students answer “Hi! Good morning. Nice to meet you, too.”

2.Some students describe the girl using the sentence like “She has …”

3.Some students

answer the questions.

4.Students answer the teacher’s questions with, “Yes, I do. / No, I don’t”.

5.Students have chain questions.1.The teacher greets with students “Hello! Good morning. Nice to meet you.”

2.Draw a picture of a girl on the blackboard, then let some students describe the girl using “have/ has”.

Give an example,“She has a small mouth.”

3.Point at some part of the girl and ask, “Does she have…?” Choose some students to answer the questions.

4.Walk to some students and ask the question, “Do you have…?”

5.Chain questions-Ask one student the question, “Do you have…?”

Make an answer with“Yes…/ No…”Then ask the next student one question and go on, at least let five students do it.Presentation