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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)四年级上册Unit 2 Can Sam play football?下载详情
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Ⅳ 教学准备



3.生词卡片,如run、 jump、 ride、 fast、 far、high;

Ⅴ 教学过程

Step 1 Warming up and Lead in


T: Good morning! boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning!

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine.

2.T:Do you like sports ? What kind of sports do you like? Very good, Do you like playing basketball? Yes, I do . Can you play basketball ? Oh, can you ? I can play basketball very well. We can do many sports ,right?

3.The animals also like sports. Let's see which sports can the animals do? OK? Look at this one ,what's this? It's a dog. What can the dog do? It can swim. Yes ,it can swim .How about the tiger? It can jump. (引入jump). I can jump too ,can you?黑板出示Can you (you can answer me Yes, I can .No ,I can't.)Now this one, it's a monkey. It can ride, can you? very good. Look at the last one ,this is a horse ,yes ,the horse can run .(引入ride 和 run).Can you? You do very well.

4.Let’s learn a chant ,look at the screen. Follow me.

swim swim ,I can swim; jump jump ,she can jump;

ride ride ,you can ride; run run ,we can run.

Step 2 Presentation

All of us can run ,right?


(1)run fast

T:OK,look at this man, who is he?

Ss: :Liu Xiang .

T: Yes, he can run very fast. Do you know "fast"?引出并教授。然后引出词组run fast.问学生Can you run fast?

Ss: Yes, I can.﹨ No, I can’t.

(2)jump high

T:Can you jump?

S1:Yes, I can. I can jump.(边说边做跳的动作)

T: Can you jump?

S2: Yes, I can. I can jump.(边说边做跳的动作)

T:OK,you both can jump. Come to the blackboard, please jump and see who can jump high.(由此引出 high) He can jump high ,so he is the winner.(引出winner)
