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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级上册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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Name the food and drinks

T: First ,let’s name the food and drinks (边复习边交流)

S: A hamburger.

T: Do you like hamburgers?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Me too. Most of students like hamburgers.


Say more food and drinks

T:Do you know any other food ?

S: Cake/Pie/Sweets……

T: So many food and drinks, I start to feel hungry , I’m hungry, how about you ? If you’re hungry, too, you can say “Me too”

But we can’t eat anything now ,we just can look ,name and tick, so sad. Take out your ticking card, show me your fingers. You can count and tick now.(教师出示Ticking time)

T: How many stars did you get? (学生完成Ticking time第一版块)

S: Two/Three.

[设计意图:通过复习第一、二课时所学饮料及食物类单词为引入本课新知做铺垫,并通过Ticking time检查学生所学,引导学生完成自我评价。]

2. Play a game

[设计意图:用游戏激发学生学习兴趣,调动其参与活动的积极性,巧妙地进行过渡,教学新单词snack bar,同时将学生带入故事中。]

3.Cartoon time

①Look and answer(PPT出示图片)

T: Bobby and Sam are at the snack bar now .Because they are hungry. Suppose you’re Sam or Bobby ,what will you say? What would you like?Guess! You can say“Maybe……”

S: Maybe Sam would like a pie./ Maybe Bobby would like a hamburger……


②Watch and answer

T:Now let’s watch the cartoon, then tell me what they would like.


③Read and underline(通过阅读故事,揭示Bobby和Sam想要什么)

T: Underline what Bobby and Sam would like.


Look and learn

T: So they think ,there will be something to eat ,they will not be hungry. They are happy. But look at them, they are scared. What happened? Why are they so scared?(师出示图片,引导学生比较两幅图中Sam和Bobby的表情,尝试用不同语气说出课文中的句子。)
