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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Story time下载详情
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1.学生能听懂、会说、会读单词和词组:chat, cinema, visit, often, grandparent, always, sometimes, Internet。

2.学生能熟练使用句型:What do you do at weekends? I always/ usually/ often/ sometimes … 与同学进行交流。

3.学生能区分频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes。




Step 1 Warm-up

T:Good morning, boys and girls. Today I’ll be your new English teacher. I like games. Do you like games?

1.Magic eyes

T:Great.Let’s play a game. Look at the pictures and speak out what they do.

2.Let’s talk

T: Well done. Look, here is a calendar of April. We need come to school from Monday to Friday, but we don’t have lessons on Saturdays or Sundays. We call them weekends. So what do you do at weekends?

T: Great.Your weekends are colourful! Today let’s learn Unit 7 At weekends.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Let’s guess

T: I know something about your weekends now. Can you guess about my weekend? Here I have some clues.(教师出示四张卡片,分别写着go, play, visit, chat, 教学visit和chat.学生根据提示进行猜测。)

S1: Do you go....? S2......

2.Teacher’s weekends

T: Good try! Well, listen, at weekends, I play with my brother. I visit my grandma and grandpa. (教学grandparents) I chat with my friend. And I go to the cinema. (教学cinema)

3.How often :always, usually, often, sometimes

Look, I play with my brother every weekend, so I can say I always play with my brother.

And I visit my grandma and grandpa if they are free. A little bit less than always. So I can say I usually visit grandparents......


Let’s try

Now can you try to use these words to talk about your weekends again ? You can choose one or two. First talk in your groups.(学生小组讨论并反馈)

Step 3 Story time

Watch and choose
