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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级上册Story time下载详情
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3.整体感知语音,能正确理解、朗读Story time课文对话。




1.T: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you today? Nice to meet you .

2.T: First ,let me introduce myself .Then I will ask some questions and I will see who can remember it. Hello, I’m Miss Xu, I like watching films. So I often go to the cinema at weekends. Yes, fast reaction . My name is ?? What do I like doing? And What do I do at weekends?

T:Do you know weekends? Yes, those red days are weekends.(带读两遍)

T:Then what do I do at weekends? Yes, I often go to the cinema at weekends.(带读一遍).Boys and girls ,what do you do at weekends? Today ,we will learn U7 At weekends. Follow me ”At weekends, At weekends”.

T: Now, everyone, what do you do at weekends? I’ll give you some key words to introduce yourselves. You can use these words (带读两遍)and these sentences. Do you remember my introduction? Hi, I’m Miss Xu, I like watching films. I often go to the cinema at weekends.

Ss: Hi ,I’m xxx, I like ...., I ..... at weekends.


1.Task 1: Watch and tick:

T: Excellent, now I know about your weekends. Now, someone is talking about their weekends too. Let’s see who they are?

Ss: They are Mike and Su Hai.

T:Yes, Mike and Su Hai are talking about weekends. But whose weekends are they talking about? First, let’s watch and choose, whose weekends they talk about.

Ss: Su Hai,Su Yang ,Mike and Helen .

T: Great. It’s about Su Hai, Su Yang ,Mike and Helen’s weekends.(贴头像在黑板上。)

2.Task 2:Read,circle and say:

T:Then, what do they do at weekends?Follow these tips: 1:Read by yourselves and underline the phrases(like this :visit my grandparents.)

Tip2:3 students come to the front, choose the right activities for them and introduce them, like this (Su Hai and Su Yang visit their grandparents)

T:Ok, are they right? Let’s check the answers and say it together. Each of you did a good job, boys and girls ,applause for them.

3.Task 3:Read ,find and say:

T:From here, I can see Su Yang and Su Hai visit their parents at weekends. But how often(多久) ,do you know?

Ss: They usually visit their grandparents at weekends.

T:Yes, usually. Can you find other words similar to usually?

Ss: Often, sometimes, always.

T:Wonderful, next ,let’s read in groups of four ,find out how often do they do these activities. Circle them out , then come here to stick them on the right place and say it out loudly. For example: Su Hai and Su Yang usually visit their grandparents.

T:Are they right? Let’s check the answers and say it together. Yes, I am so proud of all of you .

III:Happy Reading .

T:Boys and girls applause for them. So much for the details, now ,It’s our happy reading time. Let’s enjoy the reading and please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
