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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Story time下载详情
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重点1. 能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写holiday, National Day, call, go fishing.

2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型what did you do…? Did you …? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t…



教学法指导情境教学法,讲授法教学准备录音、图片、多媒体集体智慧个性设计教学后记Step1.Warming up

1. Daily talk

T: we are having a new lesson.

老师板书,today the topic is Unit 3 Holiday fun.(A)黑板中间

左边第一个板书 holiday

When we are talking about what did we do for the holiday, we should try to use ‘’. 板书 what did …do….?领读3遍。

What did you do …? What did he do…? What did she do…?

T: We are going to learn part A of unit 3.

Step 2. presentation

T: OK, this time I will show you our plans for this lesson.(出示PPT3 本课教学计划-T:You know what we are going to do in this lesson. Now follow me. 领读2 times holiday fun. 画龙点睛之笔

Today we are going to talk about Holiday fun. Before that we are going to play a game. And I think all of you like games.

SS: yes.

T: Let’s play a guessing game. Think and guess.(出示PPT4

What did they do last holiday?看图猜猜 加菲猫/母女图/女孩带京剧脸谱图/周杰伦)

T:think and guess. Do you know him. Garfield.

SS: yes.

T: Garfield. He is a famous teacher?

SS: No.

T: yes, he is a famous cat. Who are they? Do you know them?

SS: let me tell you they are my good friends. And she is my brother’s daughter and he is Zhou jielun.

Can you try to read question what did they do for holiday? 领读2遍。

T:you can guess what they did for the National Day holiday. First you can talk in groups. (学生分组对话和猜测2m)

T: Ok. What did Garfield do ?

S1: Garfield …

S2:Garfield …

T: Look at my friends. What did they do?
