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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点三年级下册Unit 1 He works hard.下载详情
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Drills: He works hard.

Is Daming naughty in class? No, he isn’t.


Can use the knowledge to talk about one’s performance at school and finish the task.

教具:Tape-recorder, cards, CAI


一、Warming up

1.Greetings: Hello, everyone. How are you?

2.Listen and do actions:

This little girl is good.

3.In the poem, we can find many words, look and read:

good, bad, happy, sad, naughty, nice, shy, clever, loud, quiet

4.Make sentences using the adjective words.

二、Presentation and leading

1.Now let’s play a guessing game(I say sentences ,you should pay attention to the adjective words and guess)

① She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. Who’s she?

② He’s very clever. But he’s a bit quiet. Who’s he?

③ He’s very loud. And he’s very, very naughty. He’s a bird. Who’s he?

④ He’s tall and cool(帅的、酷的). She’s tall and beautiful(漂亮的). Who are they?(They are Daming’s parents.)

Practise, read and understand “parents”, parents means father and mother.

2. Today Daming’s parents are going to go to Daming’s school. Why? Let’s look and listen. What day is today?

三、Practice and consolidation

1.After listening, answer the question:

It’s Parents’ Day today.

It’s Children’s Day. It’s Teacher’s Day.

What’s meaning of “Parents’ Day”?

Practise, read and understand “Parents’ Day”.

They’re going to speak to Daming’s teacher.

Practise, read and understand “speak”.

We are Chinese. We speak Chinese. We also speak English.