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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section D下载详情
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What does she do? She is a student.Then lead to 1a.

Using the same way.Show picrues , ask and answer

Step 3 Learning

1.Read,listen and undstand 1a,Finish 1b.Let's answer to complete the following


2.Read 1a again,finish 6 of 1b. Work in group. Every student knows the meanings of the sentences.

3.Read the passage as fast as you can and guess the meanings of the new words and main points. Let’s find them out. Then read together.

4.Show the keys of 1a

5.Let's do exercises.

6.Call students and check教学过程设计个性修改Step 4 Consolidation

1. Every student is so excellent. Now, please read 1a as carefully as you can and try to remember it. Later, we will play a game to retell the text.

2. boys and girls. I would like to choose three students to retell the passage. Every student will have a note with key words and a number on it. Do you understand?

3.Let’s retell the text together.

Step5 Cooperation and explortion

1.“Let the students discuss.

1).be made of 2).be made from 3).be made in .4)be made up of 5).be made by

2.1).so...that; 2)such...that.Let's discuss and anwer in several minutes,let them make summarization.

3.Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

4.let sduents read grammar.Using so … that …,… so that …and such … that …

5.Do Function and read together.

6.Do exercises in class and check them.

Step 6 Homework

1.look at a picture and writing .My favorite clothes Please make sentences using “so … that …” , “… so that …” and “such … that …” You should work in groups of four, and I’ll see which group can make the most sentences in one minute. First, discuss in groups

2.Please finish writing.

板书设计1.Learn some new words and phrases:

2. Review the usages of “so … that …”, “… so that …” and “such … that …”

I liked it so much that my father bought it for me.

My old coats are so short that I want to buy some new ones.

