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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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III.Teaching methods

Task-based language teaching

IV. Teaching procedures

A Comic strip

Step 1 Lead-in

1. enjoy a song

T: Today we’ll learn Unit 7—Abilities. First,let’s enjoy a song.then pls answer “What can the boy do in the song?”

S:The boy can sing a song,climb a tree,catch a ball,fly a kite and drive a car.


Look and think

T:(ok,now I will show you some pictures,and answer my questions,here we go)who is he?what can he do?i can also ask you :what ability does he have?,you can answer like this,he has the ability to play basketball.

Learn “ability”,read after me,

T: (monkey picture)Look at this on the screen, and tell me :what can the monkey do?what the ability does the monkey have?good.

T: (drawing) What can the man do?what the ability does the man have?

S:the man can draw with his mouth,the man has the ability to draw with his mouth.

T:(Dancing)what can the girl do?

S:she can dance,

T:yes,she can’t walk, but she can dance well,it’s amazing.what ability does the girl have?

S: She has the ability to dance.

T:(play ping pong) ok,let’s move on,now pls work in pairs,ask and answer.

S: what can he do?he can ….,what ability does the man have? He has the ability to …

T: (birds)What ability do the bird have?

S: the bird has the ability to fly.

T: who is he? he is a superman, does he have the ability to fly like a bird?

【设计意图:通过图片教学,引出单词ability,鼓励学生反复操练have the ability to do sth,也为引出Comic strip的内容做好了铺垫。】

read and act

read the dialogue after the tape

work in pairs,and act it out.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Free talk

