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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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collect things for Project Hope give awards to people


ability Superdog careful collect seat able pay notebook even send raise

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

T: Look at the pictures on the screen, and tell me what each person can do.

T: Look at the first picture. What is he ?What can he do ?What ability does he have?

S:He is Liu Xiang . He can run fast.Running is his ability.

T: Look at the second picture. What is he ?What can he do ?What ability does he have?

S: He is Yao Ming.He can play basketball.Playing basketball is his ability.

T: What about the third picture?What is he ?What can he do ?What ability does he have?

S: He is Jay Chou.He can sing.Singing is his ability.

T: What can they do in the fourth picture?What ability do they have?

S:They can dance..They have the ability to dance.

T: Look at the fourth picture.What ability do the monkeys have?

S: They have the ability to ride bikes.

Step 2 Presentation

Watch some pictures about “Superman”.

T:Who is he?

S:He is Superman.

T:What abilities does Superman have?

Talk about the things what Superman can do in groups and report .

He can fly.

Step 3 Comic strip

T:Let’s meet our two old friends,Eddie and Hobo.

First get some information from the pictures and then ask questions:

1. What does Eddie want to be?

2. What does Eddie want to do?

3. Can Eddie fly?

Students listen, then answer the questions.

