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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Welcome to the unit下载详情
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Step 1 Lead-in

1. Free talk (open questions)

T: Today we’ll learn Unit 7—Abilities. Are you a helpful person? OK, I will ask you some questions:

(1) Can you help your classmates with their homework?

(2) Can you look after the things in our classroom?

(3) Can you keep our classroom clean and tidy?

2. What can he do?

T: Look at the first picture. What can the boy do?

S: He can sweep the floor.

T: What about the second picture?

S: He can play football.

T: What can this boy do?

S: He can play tennis.

T: What can the man do?

S: He can play basketball very well.

T: What ability /??b?l?ti/ does he have?

S: He has the ability to play basketball very well.

T: Let’s move on. What ability does the monkey have?

S: It has the ability to ride a bike.

T: What ability do birds have?

S: They have the ability to fly

Step 2 Presentation

1. Free talk

T: Do you believe /b??li?v/dogs have the ability to fly? What about Eddie? Do you believe he can fly like Superman? OK, let’s learn comic strip.

2. Listen and answer

T: Listen to the tape and answer the following three questions. Read the questions together first.

(1) What does Eddie want to be?

(2) What does Eddie want to do?

(3) What happened to Eddie?

3. Role-play

