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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点五年级上册11 Water下载详情
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句型:We use water to wash our hands.教学难点:

句型We use water to wash our hands.中to与动词词组搭配使用。课前准备:

PowerPoint, cards, cassette. 课时安排:共 3 课时教学过程:

Period 1

Step 1:Pre-task preparations.


It has no taste. It has no smell. It has no colour.

It is everywhere around us. It is in the river.

It is in the rain. It is in the waterfall.

What is it?

2. Read the riddle together and show the title “water” on the blackboard.

Step 2:While-task procedures.

Discussion of the use of water

T: Water is everywhere around us. Water is very important.

It is very useful. (write “Useful water” on the blackboard)

We use water to wash our hands. (write “use” under “useful”)

U-S-E, use. We use water to wash our hands.

S: U-S-E, use. We use water to wash our hands.

T: Water is very useful. U-S-E-F-U-L, useful.

S: Water is very useful. U-S-E-F-U-L, useful

Look and learn.

T: (show the picture for “put out fires”)

Look at this picture. The fireman is using water to put out fires.

Put out fires.

S: Put out fires.

T: What do farmers use water for?

(show the picture for “grow crops”)

S: They use water to grow crops.

Discussion——How do we use water?

Useful water: wash clothes