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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点三年级下册Sound time, Rhyme time, Checkout time & Ticking time下载详情
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T: Boys and girls, class, let’s have a competition. Boy team and girl team. If you’re right, you can get the stickers.

Step 2 Review Sound time

T: Boys and girls, do you like playing games? Now let’s play games.

The first game:

Rules: Say the numbers and words loudly when you see them. Spell the imperfect words. Say “What a nice cake!” when you see the cake.

T: Next, look at the rule:


T: You’re in Grade 3, some of you are ten, some are eleven, you can play the game. But the children of six and seven can’t play the game. They play the game Turn round and round. Look, (ppt 画面) 带领一起说 Sound time:Six, seven, …


Oh, Safety first.

Different ages, different games. But all of you, Safety first when you play the game.

T: Boys and girls, look at the words, (指黑板上6、7单词),read together, The letter S sounds /s/. Can you give some examples? S sounds /s/

Look at the word——is, the letter s sounds…?

S: /z/.

T: Can you give some examples?

Read and match.

Read and complete.

Step3 Review story time

T: We can see a toy in the class. At the Toy Museum we can see many toys. In the story time, who is here?

Ss: Mike, Helen and Tim.

T: How old are they? (贴3人头像)

S: 学生依次回答Mike, Helen和Tim的年龄。

T: They are different ages, do they get the same toys?

Ss: No.

学生依次回答Mike, Helen和Tim得到的礼物。

T: Look at the blackboard , they get different toys, why?

S: Different ages, different toys. (PPT)

Step4 Review cartoon time

T: They are happy. Another one is happy too. Who? Sam. Why he’s so happy?

S: Because today is his birthday. He can get some birthday presents.
