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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Fun time&Cartoon time下载详情
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Good morning,boys and girls. How are you today?

Are you happy? Are you ready for class?

Sing time Everyone, stand up please. Let’s sing a song together.

Free-talk time

T:Do you like the song? What’ s the song about? S1: The days of the week.

It’s about the days of the week. Then how many days are there in a week? There are seven days in a week. Let’s say them one by one.

When we write them, I have 2 tips for you(You can learn from Miss Chen’s mini-lecture <巧记星期单词>)

【设计意图:通过Greetings,Sing time等热身活动吸引学生注意力,创设轻松的学习氛围;歌曲分为Sing together、 quietly、loudly,既能复习旧知,又能引导学生以饱满的情绪投入新课学习;接着以师问生答的形式引入巧记单词的2个tips,提醒学生课下可结合教师的微课《巧记星期单词》进行学习。】

Step2 Game time

Catch the plane “What day is it today?”

Boys and girls, What day is it today? It’s Wednesday today. Then let’s play a game: Catch the plane. When you see the plane, answer it like : It’s ____ today.

Our timetable “What lessons do you like?”

Now look at the blackboard, It’s a timetable. See, we have so many lessons in a week. What lessons do you like?

Look at this line, there are 7 days in a week. Which 2 days are missing?

Bingo! Saturday and Sunday.(One student puts word cards on the blackboard).

T: Do you have any lessons on Saturday? How about Sunday? Ss: No, I don’t.

T: I don’t have any lessons on Saturday and on Sunday. (T puts it on the blackboard).

Find their families

Some days of the week and some lessons are missing in the forest.Who can help them find their families? ( Invite two Ss to come to the front)

【设计意图:通过Catch the plane环节,操练句型 “What day is it today? It’s ______.”,Our timetable环节操练句型“What lessons do you like? I like____.”,通过Find their families,让学生将单词归入days of the week 和lessons两组;这三个活动环节可以做好语言知识储备,为学生对本课新知做好铺垫。】

Step3 Fun time


Look at the 2 boys, They are having fun. They are also playing a game. Let’s go and see.

Pair talk

Do you want to have fun? Do you want to play it? I have a turntable here. It’s very funny. Who wants to come to here and turn it? ( Invite 2 volunteers )

Boys and girls, talk in pairs, one ask and one answer. ( Invite 2 or 3 pairs )

Now Miss Chen will turn the table, boys first ask, then girls answer. Then take turns. Let’s have fun together.

【设计意图:由句型的呈现自然引出Fun time的句型,教师手工制作的星期大转盘,更加能够唤起学生的对话热情;结合黑板上的班级课程表创设情境,学生们会体验到学有所用的快乐。】

Step 4 Cartoon time
