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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Story time下载详情
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2.学生能在情境中理解be going to的用法,并能尝试运用be going to表达计划和准备。


4.学生能够了解更多的春节文化及其英文表达,并尝试着表达。教学设计个性化调整Step 1 Pre-reading

1.Read and guess

T: Boys and girls, do you like games? Ok. Let’s play a game first.(在猜谜游戏中学习red packets,fireworks,a lion dance)

2.Read in groups


T:Red packets, fireworks,a lion dance,they are all about …(引导学生说Chinese New Year进而引出课题,同时了解更多春节标志物)

3.Talk about your plan

T:Chinese New Year is coming soon. I’m going to clean my house this Chinese New Year.

How about you? What are you going to do at Chinese New Year?(学生初步感知be going to 用法,提示学生用I’m going to 说自己的新年计划)

Step2 While-reading

预习反馈:What do you know about Anna?

T:So, you have different plans for the New Year. How about this girl? Do you know her? What do you know about Anna?


Watch and answer

T: You know Anna very well. But, what is she going to do at Chinese New Year? Now let’s watch and try to get the answers.

S: Anna is going to …

3.Skim and order

T:Yes.(出示Anna春节活动图片)Now, we know Anna is going to do these things. But what is she going to do first? Let’s skim and order the pictures on page 80.


T:How do you order the pictures? We order the pictures according to a timeline.

4.Scan and find

T:Look, the pictures are in right order now. We order them according to a timeline. What’s the timeline? Please scan and find the words of different times.(核对答案,教授除夕,大年初一,大年初二,以及它们的日期)

5.Read and underline

1)师示范T:What is Anna going to do before Chinese New Year?



6.Discuss in groups