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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Story time下载详情
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fireworks, a lion dance, red packets,buy some flowers,get an email from,教学板块(注明各板块时间及解决目标序号)学生课堂练习单第一板块

Step 1 Free talk

1 What day is it today? What date is it today?

2 What holiday is coming?

Do you like …? Why? What are you going to do? I’m going to…第二板块

Step 2 Presentation

1 Su Hai gets an email from her e-friend Ann in Hong Kong.

Teach: Hong Kong----It is a part of China. It returned to motherland in 1997. Now it is a popular place for people to travel.

2 They are also talking about the coming holiday in the email. What holiday are they talking about?

Watch and answer: They are talking

about (holiday) in (city).

They are talking about Chinese New Year in Hong Kong.

3 What’s the subject of Anna’s email? Chinese New Year

Teach: subject

We can also call it ‘Spring Festival’

When is Chinese New Year?

It’s usually in January or February. 第三板块

Step 3 Practice

1 How will Anna celebrate Chinese New Year? What is she going to do? We have some pictures about Anna’s Chinese New Year.

Read and order the 6 pictures.(Look and orderP80)135624

2 What is she going to do?

Try to talk about the pictures in pairs. With the sentence: She is going to…

Pic a: She is going to buy some new clothes with her parents.

What else is she going to buy?

She is going to buy some food,…

Pic e: She is going to make some tangyuan with her parents. Why?

Tangyuan means: Tuan yuan, get together with family members.

Guess, what else are they going to make?