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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级上册Story time下载详情
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T: What’s in the box? Guess!

提示:It’s a rectangle. It’s made of paper. It’s red.

2 T: We also call New Year ____

Spring Festival

B. Mid autumn Festival

3 T:When’s Chinese New Year?

4 T:2015 is the year of the____

A. Horse B Goat

5T:Chinese New Year is coming. How do you feel?

6.Look and guess

T: (出Anna图) look at this girl, Anna. She is Su Hai’s e-friend. She’s in Hong Kong. Do you know Hong Kong.

(出中国地图)look, Su Hai is in Nanjing. Anna is in Hong Kong,(点图) in the south of China.

And this is an …Yes, Anna is writing an email to Su Hai.

This email is Anna’s plan for Chinese New Year.

This is Anna’s plan for Chinese New Year. Can you guess what is Anna going to do at Chinese New Year?

7 Watch the cartoon and check.

Learn new words: fireworks, fire crackers, lion dance, dragon dance…

8 Read and order.

T: What is Anna going to do during the Chinese New Year? Open the books to P80, please read your books P78-79 and order the pictures on P80

T: Can you tell me the order?

(Explain somethings new)

Think and write

when are they going to do these things? Do you know? The first day is … They are going to ...

Step3. Reading time

1. T: ok, let’s read the text.

Read after the tape .

2. T: this time you can read the text in group.

Step4.Retell the text.

Step5 Homework.

Ss enjoy the pictures.