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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点六年级下册Part B & C下载详情
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While – reading

1. How’s the Amazon forest ?

P4-5 , circle words & phrases , share with classmates .

Biggest , exciting , full of life and colour , find animals .

Read after the tape .

2. What animals can you find ?

Look at your books & listen , and circle them .

① howler monkey ② anteater ③ macaw ④ toucan

⑤ harpy eagle ⑥ tree frog ⑦ sloth

3. Le’s talk about howler monkeys ?

→ howl

Why do they of ten howl ? Please watch the video .

→ They howl to tell other howler monkeys . “Stay away from my food ! ”

4. Now , we know sth. About howler monkeys .

How about them ?

Tips : Work in groups of 4 .

1. Each group choose a kind of animals , read and finish “Animal card ”.

2. Share .

Anteater a long nose How do you know ?

Small giant Why is the long nose useful ? → nest

Live both on land and in trees

Harpy eagles hunt , watch close from the sky

Fly down and catch

tree frogs the heat of the day

active at night

highly poisonous

Sloth the slowest animals So they can ……

Seem to be smiling

Watch a video .

Try to act .