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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole下载详情

七年级下册(2013年11月第2版)《Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole》公开课教案下载-安顺市优质课

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① Know the world is wonderful, we should try to learn more about the world and enjoy our life.

② Remember safety comes first.

Teaching steps:

Step1: Enjoy a short video about this party of Alice in Wonderland. Introduce the book and the two main characters in the story.

Step2: Listen and circle the simple past form of the verbs in the passage. Check the past form and the base form. Read aloud and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Step3: Read Para 1-3 and answer the following questions.

What happened when Alice sat by a river?

What was the rabbit like? (Is it a usual one?)

What does Alice do after she saw the rabbit? (What happened next?)

Step4: Read Para 4-5 and find the right sentences to finish the table.

There were doors around,

but ……

There was a small key on the table,

The door opened, Alice tried to go through the door,

Ask students to guess: Would Alice give up? Let the students know: When we meet some problems, don’t give up easily.

Step5: Put the pictures in the right order and use a sentence to talk about each picture. Students should pay attention to the order of time.

Step6: Read and fill in the blanks in the passage. Check the answers and read together.

Alice in Wonderland is about a girl __________Alice. One day, she sat by a ________ with her sister. Then she saw a white rabbit ________ by. The rabbit said to ________ that it would be late. It took a ________ out of its ________ and looked at the time. The rabbit ran ________ a field and Alice ran ________ it. Then the rabbit and Alice both jumped into a ________. Alice ________ the ground and she found herself ________ in a long, ________ hall. All the doors were ________. She saw a ________ on a table and used it to open a small door. On the other ________ of the door, there was a lovely garden. Alice wanted to go ________ the door, but the door was ________ small......

Step7: Read and retell the story according to the key words. Retell in front of the class.

Practise in groups:

Put the words or phrases in the right order

Use sentences (pay attention to the tense)

2. Recommend(推荐) three group members to retell to the class

Step8: Think and discuss in groups

Do you think Alice is curious?brave?careful? How do you find that?

How will you feel if you see such a rabbit? What will you do then? Why?

Step9: Let students know: The world is full of amazing things. We should be curious about them. Always remember to be careful. Never forget that safety comes first!

Step10: Homework

1. Review the story in this period and retell the whole story.

2. Read the book Alice in Wonderland to know more about this story.

