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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole下载详情
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难点:能够运用所学知识生动地复述故事,并发挥想象, 设想结局。



T:Please read the learning aims by yourselves.



T: Do you like reading fairy tales? I like Snow White, I think she is kind and pretty. Do you like the Lion King? I think most boys like it because Simba is brave. Sleeping Beauty is beautiful, right? This story tells us how to love. But I like Alice in Wonderland best.


Predict the content of the story according to the title.

T: What is the text about? Can you guess?

We can always get some useful information from the title and the pictures. Do you agree? From the title, we know something happened. Down the rabbit hole. Who, when, where, why and how.

T: Great. What can we get from them? Can you tell me what the text is about now?

It is a story about Alice and the rabbit.

T: Wonderful. The story told that a girl named Alice saw an amazing rabbit and followed it. Then she fell down a hole. Would you like to know what exactly happened to Alice.


Task1: Skimming. Read quickly and divide the text into three parts.

T: It`s time to begin our trip with Alice. Read the story quickly to see what happened. Try to divide the text into three parts.

Para____ Alice sat by the river with her sister and saw a white rabbit.

Para____ Alice ran after the rabbit and jumped into the hole

Para____ Alice found herself in a long low hall

Task2: Scanning. Write a T or an F.

T: Do you want to know more about the story? Now, read fast and check if the information is right or not. Try to correct the mistakes if you can.

Let`s check your answers.

= 1 ﹨* GB3 ① It was a cloudy day. ____

= 2 ﹨* GB3 ② Alice was playing with a rabbit. ____

= 3 ﹨* GB3 ③ The rabbit asked Alice the time. ____

= 4 ﹨* GB3 ④ The rabbit jumped down the hole first. ____

= 5 ﹨* GB3 ⑤ It took Alice a long time to hit the ground. ____

= 6 ﹨* GB3 ⑥ Alice talked to the rabbit in the hole. ____

Task3: Intensive reading.

