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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole下载详情
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1. Skimming

Now let’s begin our adventure with Alice. Open your books, turn to page 70, read it quickly to see what happened. Find the answers to these questions quickly.

2. Scanning

After reading, our friend Simon made some notes on p72. Let’s check the notes for him, T or F, you should read the notes first, then the story, pay attention to the details. Find which line the right answers are in. Will 3 minutes be enough?

3. close-reading

= 1 ﹨* GB2 ⑴ .read para1&2 carefully, and answer three questions. You can discuss in groups.

If you were Alice, what will you do when you see such a strange animal?

What did Alice do? Let’s continue reading.

= 2 ﹨* GB2 ⑵ .read para3, put the actions into the right order.

Here are some actions, but they are in the wrong order. Let’s read para3 and put them in the right order.

We can see that when telling stories we can use the order of


Take turns to retell the story.

= 3 ﹨* GB2 ⑶ Then what’s in the hole? What happened next? Let’s watch a short video, how did Alice feel in the long hole? What did she see?(brave, optimistic)

Did she get out of the hall?

Read the text

Do some exercises

read para1&2

read para3,



1. Group work

Suppose Alice wasn’t alone in the hall, she found two of her friends there too. Work in a group of three, make a conversation. You can talk like this… hey, Alice. …...

2. a summary

What happened next? Did Alice get to the lovely garden? You know you can surely have your own dreams, you can decide where it goes from here.

make a conversationStep4 Homework

1.Try to remember all the new words and new phrases

2. Read the story at least 3 times.

