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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Reading 1: Down the rabbit hole下载详情
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间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明Step 1:

lead-in4minsUse Ss’ familiar pictures about Alice to lead-in

to learn the new words and phrases 激发学生学习的兴趣与热情。watch a movie, and leads to the topic today “Alice in wonderland”Learn the new words and the background.以Alice为主线引到课文内容的学习。 先将电影放出来,有个了解。Step2:

Skimming :

Answer questions 3minsGive Ss some pictures and let them say some phrases about the passage.Skim and get the answers 浏览全文获得图片代表的意思,可以对文章有个初步印象。Match the main idea with the other part3minsGive five verbs and their objects, let Ss match the verbs with their objects. Read the passage quickly and find out the correct answer让学生掌握一些词组的搭配,识记一些词组。Step 3


Part 1

Decide the sentences true or false4minsInvite Ss to read the whole passage, and tell us TRUE or FALSE according to the passage Read aloud by themselves, and show us true or false.编成判断对错的形式,使之通过训读能找到答案。Part 2

Read and answer three questions4minsLet the students read paras (2-3) and answer three questionsRead the passage quickly and find out the correct answer深入理解课文,对于课文的细节也能够熟悉。Part 3

Finish the blanks about part4 6minsAsk Ss to read aloud

Read aloud and fill in the blanks

通过文章第五,六段的朗读,学生填入信息,可以看出学生的掌握情况。Step 4: do some exercises


Give some exercises

Fill in the blanks通过填入词组,检查学生对于词组的掌握情况。 Step5: after-reading

retell the story

10minsAsk Ss retell the story in order

Each one in the group say one sentence, and retell the story in a group.通过复述课文,使学生可以更好的复习所学内容,可以测试学生对文章的了解Summary and homework1min Tell Ss the homework.Homework:

1.Watch the film Alice in Wonderland.

2. Finish the exercises B2 & B4 on P71 and P72 .观看影片,完成书中练习。板书设计

7B unit 6 reading down the rabbit hole

pass by 经过

run across 跑过

jump down 跳下

get away 逃脱

fall 掉落;落下

hit 到达;击中

find herself alone 发现她自己独自一人

locked 锁上的

